Hollywood Celebrity different sex life

They are the biggest stars on the planet. Thousands of fans get excited about them. And if it is about their sex life, it’s much more exciting than. But celebs don’t want to talk about it. Let’s see some celeb’s different sex life. Each one of them are bisexual. At some point of their life they had sex with both men and women.
Megan Fox
She is one of the top famous celebrity in hollywood. In an interview in Esquire magazine, she said “Everyone is bisexual by born. Later they have to chose an option by the pressure of society. I am bisexual and I am a cheater. Cause the women who even slept once with men, I never slept with her. But I’ve slept with men and women both. I hate those women who slept with  men.”

Margaret Cho

This comedian never spoken about this topic. Until she admitted to Al Ridenour “I am bisexual. So I can’t just stay with men or women.” She even discussed about her sex life with The Georgia Voice Editors

Anna Paquin
This actress talks about her sex life public. In an interview in 2009, “It’s not a big deal for me. I think, it is a situation which is normal.”

Megan Mullally
She revealed it first at the program of  'The advocate’. She said, “I think all human are bisexual. It is a matter of Gene. People think about it in a different way. But those who imposed morality to sex life, can think about something else”.

Snuki sat on an interview with Huff Post in 2012 when she told about her sex life. “I think I am bisexual. I slept with so many girls, but I love men too. So living with one person is impossible for me”.

Angelina Jolie & Jenny Shimizu

This star is also on the list of bisexual! Though she had lived with Brad Pit for years but there were rumours that she had relation with Jenny Shimizu. "I had relation with girls before. I slept with them too."

Amber Heard

She disclosed this fact so many times in public. This famous model and actress said, “I don’t want to hide anything about my sex life”.

Drew Barrymore
Drew Barrymore
She admitted this in an interview in Contract magazine in 2003. “Do I love girls? yes, I do,” she smiled. “I always think I am a bisexual. Two girls make some beautiful things together. Like as beautiful as it looks with boys.”

Lady Gaga

Lady gaga is also a bisexual. In the interview with Barbara Walter, she said about this habit of her.