Let's have a look...
This is not nuts, it's Sweet Potato
This is not a hip of Ping Pong Balls, it's for Moon Festival!
This is not Oak fruit, you're looking at Chestnut
Do not send it as a gift card, actually it is Bookmark emoji
Send it to mean All Is Well, it means Everything's fine
Use this Emoji to celebrate anything.
Are you so angry, or disturbed? This one is for you. It doesn't mean anything Ugly.
This emoji represents the holy place of Islam. It is not a good practice using it for other reason.
No, there is nothing wrong to her head. It means, someone is massaging her face or head.
So many people use this emoji to mean Shout, but it means Information Desk Staff.
Don't be afraid. It doesn't mean someone is going to slap you. It means your hands are free to hug! How sweet, isn't it?
The man of this emoji is not waiting for something, not even thinking of anything. He just put his head down.
Use this emoji to tell that you are silent, when you really are. Though often we use it to mean confusion or anger.
The name of this emoji is Badge, even though it looks like fire.
It doesn't even related to construct or any game or anything else. It means expressing anger!
It is the symbol of a special kind of glass. Do not get confused to mean hard drink.
This one is not for crying or normal smile. It means too much laugh what made you rolling on the floor.
It is not to mean parachute or playing card. Use it to mean chime of apple air.
You shouldn't use it for siren. People often use the truck ball instead of mouse.
Do not think too much. It's just a whole.
And this emoji is to represent Musician, are you?